Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Wish List!

Rainy days are good for blogging.
Today I'll feature some items that reside in my favorites on etsy.

IngoDesign has so much beautiful jewelry, but this is by far my favorite item in the shop!

The second item on my list today is from BeautifulSoaps. I LOVE beer! I always thought I would hate it since I thought it smelled horrible. But I love beer now! And I would love to try out these soaps!

I wear hoodies 24/7 sadly 99% of them are black. I love black but I seriously need some color in this department. Enter Salts and this amazing incredibly soft looking hoodie aaaand it's a hemp organic cotton fleece blend!

I have a strange obsession with snails. My dad told a story about Ferdinand the snail when I was a kid and ever since I think they are the cutest things ever. curiouspug makes this little sweet snail that just wants to come home with me!

That's my wish list today!

Oh and check out the business card I'm working on :D



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